Pat Beaton, March 31, 2014
I was given a copy of P. A. Taverner’s Birds of Canada a number of years ago. The book had been a
favourite of a friend’s mother and is filled with notes and the dates of bird
sightings going back to the 1930s. I became interested in the ways that
wildlife is described and ordered. Taverner’s book begins with the Common Loon
and finishes with the Snow Bunting. The
other bird guides that I have seen all follow the same order: they start with
the waterfowl and move through to the small perching birds.
The question in my mind was: How would they look all
together on one page as a disorderly flock of unrelated birds? I drew from
books that mostly illustrated the birds as crisp, easy to identify profiles,
with only the occasional flourish such as the swooping swallow.
I wanted the disorder among the birds on the printed page to
parallel the disorder I was experiencing around me at the time. I was wrestling
with my health and seeing grassroots movements having to wrestle with
governments and businesses that have turned their backs on the future. Not much
was making sense.
Then came the Geese. The elegant
heads in a state of absurdity.
I decided to go have a look at these birds and I found grand
geese: excellent parents, adaptable animals, and great defenders of territory.
They have unique characters and can be identified by variations in their head
shapes and in their white cheek patches.
They are an impressive species, well adapted to and thriving in our
urban environment, safe from most predators. Some people think they are a
menace, but I think they are friggin’ beautiful.
With heartfelt thanks to
Haruko Okano
Britannia Library
Bob MacIntyre
Alex Varty
The Burnaby Art Gallery – Open Print Studio
Rob Hack and Vanessa Lowe for the gift of the Birds of
Study #9 - P A Taverner's Birds of Canada, drypoint etching and acrylic 15"x11" collection of St. Paul's Hospital © Pat Beaton 2015 |
work in progress image - P.A. Taverner's Birds of Canada drypoint etching and acrylic 22" x 60" © Pat Beaton 2015 |
detail of P.A. Taverner's Birds of Canada, collection of St. Paul's Hospital © Pat Beaton 2015 |